Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I turned 36 a few days ago, and I must say... I couldn't be happier.
Sure, I look in the mirror and see a few laugh lines; and there are some interesting white streaks in my red-orange hair. But in general, I look in the mirror and see myself. I wonder how much of that is genetic, and how much it has to do with attitude?

What got me thinking about this was not the 10 year old who accused me of looking like I was in my twenties (and informing me that wasn't a compliment.) No, it was this:
The song "MacArthur Park" was stuck in my head, and I shared some of the godawful lyrics with my son. We found a website listing a whole bunch of bad, bad songs; and giggled over some of the things people wrote -and made money from!
But on the list was "seasons in the sun", and I really liked that song when I was a kid. Because one repeating verse really spoke to me. The one where he sings goodbye, it's hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky... I've always felt that it will be hard to die. I don't have any fear of what comes after, I just don't wanna let go. It's so wonderful here.
I'm a 36 year old kid marvelling at life. I like that.

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